Wired vibration sensors (1)

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  • Sale -24% -24% Hikvision DS-PDSK-P, bedrade schokdetector

    HikvisionDS-PDSK-P, wired shock detector

    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days

    €37,68€31,14 -24% -24%

    DS-PDSK-P, wired shock detector Reliable perimeter security providing early detection Adjustable sensitivity with coarse attack cancellation Advanced digital background noise filter Technical specifications Detectieprestaties Detection method:Shock sensor Detection rangeUp to 2.5 m radius SensitivityPotentiometer adjustment: Voorzien van Digitale verwerkingSteun Sabotage...


    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days

    €31,14 €23,77 €37,68 €28,76



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